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Between July and September, the French Riviera Community offers 4 days of training dedicated to the restoration of dry stone walls.
Emblematic of our landscapes, dry stone walls are a built heritage bequeathed by our ancestors. Behind these modest structures lies an ancestral construction technique without binders or mortar that combines both landscape and environmental knowledge.
The construction and restoration of dry...
Between July and September, the French Riviera Community offers 4 days of training dedicated to the restoration of dry stone walls.
Emblematic of our landscapes, dry stone walls are a built heritage bequeathed by our ancestors. Behind these modest structures lies an ancestral construction technique without binders or mortar that combines both landscape and environmental knowledge.
The construction and restoration of dry...
der 19 Oktober 2024 von 09:00 bis 17:00
From 8,30 to 4,30 pm
Kontaktieren Sie Workshops & Schulungen "Mauern aus Trockenmauerwerk" in Sainte-Agnès