Confrérie de la Sainte Croix-Pénitents Blancs de Gorbio

  • Historische Anlage und Denkmal
  • Religiöses Erbgut
  • Kapelle
  • 15. Jahrhundert
45, rue Barbacana, 06500 Gorbio
The penitents have always played a social and health role, burying the dead. Today, still active, they maintain all the religious traditions and in particular the feast of the slugs which consists of a fervent procession on the Thursday following the Corpus Domini. The slug procession is so called because it takes place at nightfall and the village is lit only by small oil lamps made of snail shells filled with oil and a wick. They also organise the Saint Bartholomew's Day procession, the...


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Confrérie de la Sainte Croix-Pénitents Blancs de Gorbio
45, rue Barbacana, 06500 Gorbio
Gesprochene Sprachen
Aktualisiert am 17 März 2022 Um 15:27
gei Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Kennung des Angebots : 5802395)
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