Eglise Saint-Jacques Le Majeur

  • Historische Anlage und Denkmal
  • Religiöses Erbgut
  • Ville d'art et d'histoire (Geschichts- und Kulturstadt)
  • 19. Jahrhundert
  • Neoklassizistisch
Höhe : 985m
Hameau de Morignole, 06430 La Brigue
It is a building whose architecture is related to the neo-classical movement. The bell tower-porch, inspired by the Lombard style, is decorated with trompe l'oeil painting. The parishioners celebrate every year the feast of "San Giacu", which includes a high sung mass, after which a prior is chosen to watch over the patron of the church, and a procession.


Eglise Saint-Jacques Le Majeur
Höhe : 985m
Hameau de Morignole, 06430 La Brigue
Gesprochene Sprachen
Aktualisiert am 10 März 2022 Um 13:46
gei Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Kennung des Angebots : 5074270)
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