Eglise paroissiale Saint-Pierre

  • Historische Anlage und Denkmal
  • Religiöses Erbgut
  • Kirche
  • 15. Jahrhundert
  • 16. Jahrhundert
Höhe : 365m
, 06500 Castellar
To see:
-The paintings of the Baptism of Christ of the late seventeenth century and a Saint Francis receiving the stigmata of the eighteenth century.
Near the porch, in the small side chapel of Saint Etienne, is a wooden carved (Christ) gisant of the eighteenth century.
Framing the altar of the Virgin, fifteen medallions on canvas from the middle of the XIX century represent the mysteries of the Rosary


Das ganze Jahr über
14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

14:30 - 18:00

Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month at 10am


Eglise paroissiale Saint-Pierre
Höhe : 365m
, 06500 Castellar
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  • Dorfzentrum
  • Panoramablick
Aktualisiert am 18 Januar 2023 Um 14:56
gei Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Kennung des Angebots : 4748209)
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